Frequently asked questions about Watora.

What is Watora's default prefix ?

It's =.

How to use Autoplaylists ?

Autoplaylists are one of Watora's biggest features. Many people don't understand how to use them. That's why I made a whole page about them. You can check out how to use autoplaylists here.

How to create my own Commands and Aliases ?

You have to use CustomCommands. You can do a lot of things with CustomCommands, including creating your own commands and aliases. I made a whole page about CustomCommands, you can find it here.

Is Watora from an anime ?

No, it's an OC (original character) drawn by Peko.

Can I have two instances of Watora on my server ?

No, there's only one Watora for the moment.

Can Watora be connected to several of my server's voice channel simultaneously ?

No, as a normal discord account, bots cannot be connected to several voice channel at the same time on the same server.

Can I change Watora's avatar on my server ?

No, you can't manage another user’s avatar on Discord. Moreover, Discord doesn’t allow for users or bots to have a different profile pictures per server.

How and where Watora is hosted ?

Currently Watora is in two locations : Dallas and Paris. The best server is selected according to your server's region. Watora can also be hosted on your computer, see Self Hosting. Watora is hosted on Vultr and its refer link to get $50 free credits is here.

Is Watora lagging ?

It depends, it can happen but the answer is most likely no.

First, check if the issue is on your end

Ask other users if they have the same lag at the same time as you. If they don't, then you may want to check your CPU and disk usage. Ensure that you have enough bandwidth too. Check your voice channel’s bitrate as well. (right click and edit channel).

Second, check if the issue is from Discord

Are the other members/bots in the voice channels also lagging ? If yes, it can be a Discord issue. Check there isn’t a Discord issue.

Third, ask for help on Watora's support server

Maybe there's another issue. Do not hesitate to contact our team on the support server.

Last updated

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