Explanation to set custom settings for the bot.
You can usesettings
to display current Watora's settings.
Global Server Settings
Set a custom prefix
Discord auto-deletes your useless spaces at the end of your messages.
You have to litteraly write square brackets[]
in your new prefix to keep your spaces.
To set a custom prefix you have to useprefix
prefix change [new_prefix]
Allows to set [new_prefix] as the new server prefix.
prefix now
Displays the current server prefix.
prefix reset
Resets the server prefix to the global one.
Set a custom language
To set a custom language you have to use language
language [lang]
Allows to set [lang] as the new server language.
language list
Displays available language list.
Set a Welcome message
To set a welcome message you have to use welcome
welcome [text] (| [text2] | [text3]...)
Enables a message that will be sent to the channel when someone join the server. You can specify serveral text separated by a vertical bar and one will be randomly sent.
welcome off
Disables the welcome message on the channel.
Set a Goodbye message
To set a goodbye message you have to use goodbye
goodbye [text] (| [text2] | [text3]...)
Enables a message that will be sent to the channel when someone leaves the server. You can specify serveral text separated by a vertical bar and one will be randomly sent.
goodbye off
Disables the goodbye message on the channel.
Set one or serveral auto roles
Auto roles are given when an use join the server.
To set one or several auto roles you have to use autorole
autorole [role] (role2) (role3)...
Sets an autorole, or several if serveral are specified.
autorole now
Displays the list of current autoroles on the server.
autorole reset
Disables autoroles on the server.
Enable the OwO mod
This command converts Watora's answers to OwO language.
To enable Watora's OwO mod you have to use owo
owo (text)
Enables or disables the Watora's OwO mod. Otherwise if a text is specified, returns an owofied text.
Music Server Settings
Set a DJ Role
DJs have more music permissions than regular users. Member with a DJ role can uses every musical commands.
A role called DJ grants DJ permissions.
To set a DJ role you have to use setdj
to learn more things about DJ permissions, take a look to this.
setdj [role] (role2) (role3)...
Configures a role as a DJ role (or several).
setdj reset
Removes the DJ permissions of every role on the server.
setdj now
Displays every roles with the DJ permissions.
setdj everyone
Grants Watora's DJ permissions to everyone on the server.
Set a custom default volume
Each time Watora disconnects herself from a voice channel, the player volume is reset to the default volume (by default, 50%).
To set a custom default volume you have to use defvolume
defvolume set [number]
Sets the default volume to [number].
defvolume now
Displays the current default volume.
defvolume reset
Resets Watora's default volume.
Set a custom autoleave time
By default, Watora's auto-disconnects herself from the voice channel if she's alone or not playing anything since an autoleave time (by default 3 minutes).
To set a custom autoleave time you have to use autoleave
autoleave set [second]
Edits Watora's time before leaving the voice channel for inactivity to [second]
autoleave never
Disables Watora's auto-disconnect function for inactivity.
autoleave reset
Resets Watora's time before leaving the voice channel for inactivity.
autoleave now
Displays Watora's current time before leaving the voice channel for inactivity.
Set a custom channel or disable auto now playing messages
By default, an auto now playing message is sent when a new song starts. It's sent in the same channel than where you called Watora.
To set a custom channel for Now Playing or to disable them you have to use npmsg
npmsg set [channel]
Sets a default channel for auto now playing messages.
npmsg never
Disables now playing messages at the beginning of new song.
npmsg reset
Resets Watora's setting about auto now playing messages at the beginning of new songs.
npmsg now
Displays Watora's current setting about auto now playing messages at the beginning of new songs.
Set a custom default vote Threshold for some commands for users without DJ permissions.
Some commands such as skip, leave
or clear
can require vote if the author doesn't have DJ permissions.
defvote set [number]
Sets the default vote Threshold.
defvote reset
Resets the default vote Threshold.
defvote now
Displays the current default vote Threshold.
How to use music commands with reactions
Only skip, volume, pause, repeat, replay, previousnow, shuffle, stop
are available with reactions.
To use music commands with reaction you have to enable the lazy mod by using lazy
Enables or disables Watora's Lazy Mod.
How to autoplay related songs when the queue is empty
To enables this feature, you have to enable the autoplay setting, by using autoplay
Enables or disables the autoplay of recommended song when the queue is empty. Only available with YouTube links.
Last updated
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